My childhood blessing was a wonderful place at the seaside in Slovenia called Seča near Portorož. It is there I spent my early childhood and took my first steps. I was very attached to that place, I felt safe in the warm shelter of the cypresses, olive trees and the Adriatic Sea. After my family moved north, up to the Goriška region, my life changed considerably. The new environment was completely different from my previous one, seeing me withdraw into myself. I would roam through the woods and explore the nature, with this helping me to get through and understand its infinite gifts, while making me aware that its beauty is all around us, no matter where we are.
Even as a young girl, I was sensitive, gentle, a daydreamer and an individualist, always in love with colours, with nature and the life encompassed by it. Many times I would go alone, just in the company of my dog, into the nearby forest where I was allowed to explore and create my own fairytale world. I found safety in it, allowing my soul to grow and develop. Already then, I’d use crayons and different motives in a desire to capture on paper the world that was revealing itself in front of my eyes. More often than not, I was misunderstood for enjoying spending time in peace, by myself and with an endless palette of colours, silhouettes and feelings furnished by our mother Earth. For as long as I can remember, I have always been drawn into the magical world of nature, impressed by all the phenomena and life in it, as well as into the worlds of art, fashion, crystals and colours.
My desire to create led me to a fashion creation school. I specialised in interior design consulting and sales. In my growth and as I developed my life mission, I was searching for self, like many people do, in different types of education. First, I pursued business studies. Then I studied at the Spiritual University, helping me to find my inner peace and acquire esoteric knowledge as well as learn about spiritual transformation, self-growth and the development of intuition, while finding the source of love within myself. I also took yoga classes, achieved Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 levels and learned about Feng Shui. Later on, I was given an opportunity to train myself in mediation. I took on the challenge and successfully completed the training for mediator. These all were powerful emotional challenges for me.
Even today, I attend meditations, seminars and workshops to improve my knowledge of healing techniques, spiritual growth and work on the self and thus broaden the wealth of my knowledge. My private life and professional career are intertwined with the knowledge I gain, the practice of the art of life and a balance in relation to the environment – Yin and Yang.
My life’s ups and downs have always given me the strength to carry on and guided me in directions that have let me grow and develop. Difficult experiences in life and turning points that left their impact on my life have made me even stronger and shaped me into the person I am today. Many of the paths I traversed included crossroads where I encountered situations and people that enriched my life and left an indelible mark on it. A profound experience was my encounter with a serious disease, a loss, when I was touched much too early by the cold breeze of death. It was then I realised what I had to change in my life.
I reached into my soul again …, I listened to my inner voice, my intuition. And then my paintings started to emerge, all of them conveying my soul’s message, healing and connecting within this interlaced eternity. My outlook focuses on the future of the world, which is why I create with the intention to improve people’s well-being. The link running through my creations is colours and symbols, reflecting my inner experience of different worlds, which I am – with all my passion and knowing that I am creating something magnificent – intuitively pouring out onto the canvas.
My creativity stretches between Slovenia and foreign countries to where I am often invited for group exhibitions in which I am always very pleased to participate.
I am grateful for the opportunity given to me. Now I follow myself and my intuition that shows me the way forward in my artistic creation. Today, I can say with joy and peace in my heart that this great passion of my life has become my profession, my mission.
Life motto: " Believe in your dreams and live them."
With love, Eminjana - Emi